Community Employment Agency (CEA)
The Community Employment Agency (CEA) is a division of Moncton Employment & Training Services Inc. which provides supported employment services to persons with intellectual disabilities (including those considered slow learners) and persons with brain injury.
The Community Employment Agency has been providing supported employment services to the Greater Moncton Business Community since the early 1980’s. In 2003, CEA expanded its services to include the south east region of New Brunswick and partners with inclusive employers to help fill their personnel and labour needs. CEA works with employers and individuals to ensure long term success. All of our services, including Job Coach supports are at no cost to either the job seeker or the employer. CEA offers services in both official languages.
We are success oriented, providing services which generate positive long term outcomes for both employers and job seekers.
Joanne Cormier – Manager
As Manager of the Community Employment Agency, Joanne brings over 20 years of experience working with Moncton Employment & Training Services, Inc. As a Human Service Counselor, and previously the Manager of METS Employment Basics department, Joanne brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in providing training and supports to individuals with disabilities in our community.
Peggy Hudson – Job Developer
As the job developer for the Community Employment Agency (CEA), Peggy has been connecting individuals and employers throughout the southeast region of New Brunswick for 14+years. Peggy works with both parties’ in meeting their employment needs and ensuring a successful outcome for all. Peggy brings to this position not only 30+ years in the Human Service field, but a passion and commitment to her role that is second to none. Peggy gets excited about educating others about hiring persons with disabilities and working with all parties to ensure success.
Emily Jeffries – Employment Counsellor
As the Employment Counsellor for the Community Employment Agency (CEA), Emily brings to this position 20+ years within the Human Service field, supporting individuals within various departments throughout Moncton Employment & Training Services. Emily assists individuals of the service in employment counselling reviewing and identifying interests, strengths, abilities, support needs and skills. She also assists in all aspect of the employment action plan as needed. Emily supports individuals to discover their work preferences, helping individuals explore career choices and exploring various types of employment.
Her current role as Employment Counsellor has given her the opportunity to continue to develop professional relationships with clients, stakeholders and other agencies, working with a team who shares a common vision for excellence in employment for people with disabilities.
Funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick through the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Agreements.

Proud Members

A division of METS Inc.